Greetings, my name is Denise, and my intent is that the people who benefit the most from my healings and offerings are the ones who find me.

And here you are.

Welcome to my safe space of True Natural healing.

I am passionate about helping people lead their best lives,

and my forte is connecting your body to its innate ability to heal!

My skills encompass working on the central nervous system with Spinal Flow Technique to release stored trauma, clearing and balancing the physical, mental, emotional and energy bodies with Reiki, Intuitive Healings & Sound Medicine, physically by releasing latent stem cells from your bones with incredible Quantum Terahertz treatments, taking you on wonderful Drumming Journeys to meet a spirit guide and Tarot Counselling to open up the world of possibilities for you.

As a QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) Intern I am offering past life regression hypnosis and healing sessions. Please email or call me to discuss if you feel called to have a session.

Whether a physical or metaphysical modality where I cross dimensions to channel uploads, downloads and programs, all my offerings are here to assist your healing and growth.

Over many years of working in the healing arts, I have discovered that intuitively combining modalities is very powerful in effecting the most transformative healing experiences for my clients. What I channel depends on your energy and vibration, the person who shows up for the healing and transformation!

And as you heal and grow, so your healing treatments will also organically evolve.

My Intent for each and every treatment is that it be for your greatest good every time.

You will find detailed descriptions of my modalities and offerings on the “Effective Modalities” page. If you want to have a quick look-see at my areas of expertise, and book in, click on the “Modalities and Bookings” button. You can also book a complimentary 15 minute call to have a confidential chat with me to help you decide which modality is best for you right now.

I am looking forward to welcoming you soon to the Madron Healing Sanctuary.